Exhibition 6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Painting “Autumn Confrontations” 6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Painting “Autumn Confrontations” 6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Painting “Autumn Confrontations” Rzeszów 2022 BWA Gallery, Rzeszów, Poland 1.12.2022-30.01.2023
Painting Is Woman Painting Is Woman Duo exhibition by Emilia Dragosz and Magdalena Leśniak BWA Gallery, Ostrowiec Świętkorzyski, Poland 11.06-23.07.2021
Young Polish Painting Young Polish Painting The Palace of Art.Collection of the National Museum in Gdańsk.Basil Alkazzi & Halima Nałęcz Acquisition Fund. The National Museum […]
In A Workshop In A Workshop Exhibition of photographs of artists’ workplaces BWA Gallery, Kielce, Poland 5-19.06.2020
Cacanka’s promises Cacanka’s promises Cacanka’s promises Individual exhibition at the “Pokojowo” design studio in Kielce, Poland 25.11.2022