6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Painting “Autumn Confrontations” 6th Triennial of Polish Contemporary Painting “Autumn Confrontations” Rzeszów 2022 BWA Gallery, Rzeszów, Poland 1.12.2022-30.01.2023
Art Biennial “47. “Winter Salon” Post-competition exhibition of the National Art Biennial “47. Winter Salon” Masovian Center for Contemporary Art in Radom, Poland 18.12.2022
Cacanka’s promises Cacanka’s promises Individual exhibition at the “Pokojowo” design studio in Kielce, Poland 25.11.2022
Przedwiośnie 45 Exhibition of the 45th Interdisciplinary Art Competition of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship PRZEDWIOŚNIE 2022 BWA Gallery, Kielce, Poland 24.06-28.07 2022 r
Watered With Rain Solo exibition Mała Galeria, Nowy Sącz, Poland 10.02-05.03.2022 r The exhibition “Watered with Rain” is a cross-section of my painting from 2016-2021. From fragments of everyday life, summer moments spent with friends, I create a story on canvases about my micro-world that happens around me and the […]
15th International Autumn Salon Of Art BWA Gallery, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland 22.10-31.12.2021 r
Painting Is Woman Duo exhibition by Emilia Dragosz and Magdalena Leśniak BWA Gallery, Ostrowiec Świętkorzyski, Poland 11.06-23.07.2021
In A Workshop Exhibition of photographs of artists’ workplaces BWA Gallery, Kielce, Poland 5-19.06.2020
New Look Permanent exhibition in National Museum in Gdansk The National Museum in Gdansk, Department of Modern, Poland From 22.12.2019
Young Polish Painting The Palace of Art.Collection of the National Museum in Gdańsk.Basil Alkazzi & Halima Nałęcz Acquisition Fund. The National Museum in Gdańsk, Department of Modern Art 31.03-16.06.2019
Werniks One-day exhibition of paintings by Emilia Dragosz and Berenika Kowalska organized in the studio 29.06.2018